RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

2017 Events thus far:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017 2:48 PM | Deleted user

2017 Events thus far:

General Association Meeting:

Held at the American Legion Post#102 Anoka, MN was first general meeting of the year.

MMVA March Dinner:

Hosted by our fellow MVPA organization in Wisconsin.

John Johnson Memorial Swap Meet:

Held at the Anoka County Fairgrounds, hosted by the Minnesota 4 Wheel Drive Association. An opportunity for Spring cleaning.  

Minneapolis-St Paul Military Relic and Weapon Collector Show:

This has been our traditional kick off to the show season, with the usual suspects that showed up with their HMVs (Rick’s – GPW; Louie’s – MB & MBT; Lee’s – M715; Don’s – M416; Lynn’s – CUCV II plus a M35A2 and GPW)

General Association Meeting and BBQ:

Started off at the McDonalds in Bloomington with 4 HMVs to Convoy over to Wayne’s (Louie’s - MB & MBT; Gary’s – GPW; Joe’s – M1008 (new Associate); Lynn’s – CUCV II). At Wayne’s his fine collection of course (new additions Wehrmacht Range Finder and a M29 in fresh paint), Steve’s – M3; Lee’s – M715; Joe’s – M38; Rick’s – GPW; David’s – Land Rover.

Rosedale Chevrolet Hero Appreciation:

Local dealership was hosting Military/Police/First Responders Appreciation for the month of May. Offering to all Vets and First Responders that came in a free $50.00 dinner card for the month of May.

Edina Vehicle Day:

A chilly spring Saturday morning with two fine examples of WWII Jeeps: John Currie’s – GPW and Jeff Schwedes’ - MB

Helicopter and Vehicle Expo:

Had a little lite rain to start off the morning, but did not dampen the spirits of the day. We still had a number, of HMVs show up as follows: UH-1D (flew in); UH-1D (on a trailer); M923Ax; M998; M37; M38A1; M998; CUCV II; Indian Motorcycle.

The Estates at Linden HMV Visit:

Cancelled due to weather. Considering, future dates to reschedule.

8th Annual Armed Forces Day:

Seem to be a rain soaked weekend, but the there was still a fair number of HMVs that made a showing. Of course, they had to stay on the hard pack or sink in the mud, a M4 Sherman not known for “Thread Lightly”.

3rd Annual Ba-Da Ba-Da Bing Bang Rally:

Had some on and off showers in Iowa as well. Lots of different kinds of equipment was present: M274, 2 – M923A2s, M925, M998, M37, M38, 2 – MBs, 37mm AT Gun, CUCV II, 3 – M1009s, M101A2, 1/3 scale Civil War Canon and a Meep. On top of that, a 6 mile Convoy to complete the show.

Trucksploration 2017:

The 3rd show for this Armed Forces Weekend, resulted in 3 HMVs and 2 current MVs from the Minnesota National Guard. Jeff Jensen’s - M1A1 La France Wreaker, Eric Thompson’s – M37 and Lynn’s – CUCV II. The ANG fielded a M1078A1Px and M1165A1 both are Up Armored. One of our new Associates ‘Matt Birkeland’ came by to say ‘hello’ and show his support.

Field of Honor Flag Dedication Ceremony:

This was a dedication to not only fallen Veterans of City of Red Wing, but also those knew other fallen Veterans that donated to the Yellow Ribbon Society. There 5 HMVs in attendance: UH-1D (on a trailer); Steve’s – M3; Paul W’s – MB/GPW; Lynn’s – CUCV II and a M35Ax.    

Red Bull HMVA – Memorial Day Convoy (a Signature Event):

Steve Landgraf did a wonderful job today executing a herd of cats called the Red Bull HMVA (17 HMVs) on a 105 mile convoy starting and ending in Red Wing, Minnesota today. We travelled through the rolling hills and bottoms near Old Man River, then back into the rolling hills and valleys of the rich Western Wisconsin Farm country. And still got us back to the appointed Dinner Stop on time.

We did have a few break downs: Joe R - fuel pump (M38); Louie L - lost brakes (MB); Rick O - had to be trailered home (GPW).

Future Shows:

Wings of the North (a Signature Event) [2017 July 15 & 16]:

Paperwork has been submitted {not approved at the time of this draft} for 2000 square feet [100’x20’] of space along the east/west taxi way, on the north side of the exhibit area (where we have been set up the last few years).

Rules of the show:

  • -      no set up on Saturdays, however our setup is driving in, so be there no later than 0900 (0930 latest). This way they don’t have to worry about moving equipment and absent minded people walking out in front of moving vehicles!
  • -      try not leave till after 1600 please.
  • -      they would prefer that as many vehicles stay for both days of the show (but not a deal breaker).

Central Wisconsin Military Show [2017 August 11- 13]:

Tom Zat has been busy clearing off land around the Motorama Museum. This will be his first year hosting this show, since the Iola Military Vehicle and Gun Show has come to an end. We should throw our support behind him, considering it is the only show of this type in the Upper Mid-West (or Upper Mississippi Valley). So, if you can please drive or trailer your Historic Military Vehicle over to Wisconsin for the weekend and show your support!

Military Appreciation Day – Minnesota State Fair (a Signature Event) [2017 August 29]:

The Minnesota National Guard has asked us to Field as many Vehicles as we can for the one day Event at the State Fair. We have the whole Exhibit area to fill in the NE corner of the Fair Grounds, along with ANG Equipment! Please let the Event Coordinator know what you can bring. So, we can work with the National Guard and get good parking places.

Rules of the show:

  • -      0600 Convoy into the Fairgrounds, this way they don’t have to worry about moving equipment and absent minded people walking out in front of moving vehicles!
  • -      try not to leave before 1600 and leave as a group.

Of course, there are other shows coming up, but these are some of the bigger ones. One of the goals for the Event Coordinator is to list opportunities for everyone. Not that you have to attend them all. But if you have a free weekend, with nothing special to do. Pack up and come out to a local show and support your Association and help promote MVPA.

If you attend an event somewhere and wish to share photos, please feel free to post on FaceBook or send them in to .

You do not need to bring or have a HMV to show your support for the Association. Just come by, to say hello, take pictures, help share your knowledge with other new or potential Associates! On Convoys we can always use Associates posted ahead along the route taking photos as the HMVs drive by. Than past them along or share with the FaceBook Wall or the Web Site (Maybe someday there will be a photo album there of our events).

But if you are looking for any photos of any of the above-mentioned events. They can be found in the Photo Album section of the Red Bull HMVA FaceBook Wall (

And I will leave with this last tid-bit ”GO PACKERS” HOME FIELD LII.

Copyright © Red Bull Historic Military Vehicle Assoc. 2000-2025