RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

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  • Saturday, October 21, 2017 1:00 PM | Anonymous member


    SAT., OCT. 21, 2017 | 1:00 PM-O’DARK THIRTY

    Meet @ John’s home @ 1:00 PM:
    19281 Panama Ave., Prior Lake, MN 55372

    Convoy to the Pumpkin Patch, then drive through and take over New Prague, and then back to John’s for off-road driving, barbeque and a sky-torching late-night bonfire.
    John will provide the flame-kissed meat (and it may be real slow-smoked barbeque!). Please bring a dish to share--your choice of munchie, appetizer, salad or dessert. It's likely our last big shindig of the year, so don't miss it!!!!!

    PLEASE RSVP @ or you may not get fed, Ted

  • Saturday, September 23, 2017 5:05 PM | Deleted user

    We have been on the road for a week now! On our last rest day of the 3 nights and 2 days, in Branson, MO. Looking forward to putting some miles on the down the road. Time off to get laundry done, repairs made (if needed) and time to relax.

    Yesterday (2017 September 22), we spent the day up at the College of the Ozarks (Hard Work U). Amazing Campus of 1400 students (K-12) with a Credited College as well ( ). Where the students here work their way through school. Pay no tuition (hence the moto ‘Hard Work U’), the school runs on donations.

    (2017 September 21) We left from St Roberts, MO, home of Fort Leonard Wood (Fort Lost in the Woods). Another great sunrise in the morning. On the road with I believe heard 39 HMVs. Pasted several schools on our way to Branson, where the classes turned out to greet, wave as the Convoy navigated their town. In St James, MO, had a Veterans Home turned out to watch us go by. Than had a break at a Wal-Mart in Marshfield, MO. Lunch stop at ‘Lamberts Café’ ( ) near Ozark, MO. Bring CASH, no plastic can be used. As the website name says, Fresh Hot Dinner Rolls, thrown to you by guy moving a cart around the room. Then the 30 mile trek to Branson, MO down US-65. The Convoy gets a little spread out (about 3 miles), between catching lights and the hills of Missouri! But everyone caught up about 5 miles North of Branson. Good thing everyone had Radios.

    (2017 September 20) Rolled out of Eureka, MO Six Flags theme park (Near St Louis). Lots of rolling hills, small towns and lots of warm welcomes. Lots of Route 66 we have been traveling on, the counties and townships are doing a great job of maintaining the road. But a lot of Route 66 tourist traps have not survive the pasting of time.

    (2017 September 19) Departed Springfield, Illinois State Fair Grounds at 0700. Took us over an hour to maneuver through downtown, following Route 66 with no Police Escort. But once out of town we able to reform and move down the road. One of our morning Breaks was on ‘Dead Man’s Curve’. Heard interesting stories from the locals on this one. Our Lunch stop was in Atlanta, Illinois. They did put on a great Banquet Style Lunch. Proceeded on towards St Louis with a twist. The Convoy had been granted permission to cross the ‘Chain of Rocks Bridge’. There is a piece of history. The Convoy was asked not to enter the City of St Louis, due to the civil unrest going there. So, moved on to Interstate 270 to Interstate 44, during Rush Hour at 35 MPHs. I am sure we made a few friends. But nothing openly displayed. As we approached Six Flags, local Fired Dept. had Large Ensign flying from one of their Ladder Trucks. I do have stay, we have some great Mechanical Help in our Ranks. On this day, we had 6 or 7 recoveries of various Vehicles. Either the HMV was running when they were done or it was towed or on the Trailer to the night stop. No One is left behind!

    So far, I am having a Great Time, making new Friends. Getting ideas what to do for the next Convoy.

  • Saturday, September 16, 2017 5:10 PM | Deleted user

    For those of us that remember back when we served in our favorite Branch under Uncle Sam’s Guidance. All but to familiar sound of a bugle call at 0530, Reveille! Yes, the rude and annoying sound, that take one’s dreams away and start to face the day!

            So, time starts to finish policing around your camp site, stow last of your gear in your HMV and catch a wonderful sunrise. Get thy but in gear or face the wrath of the March Leader or your own Unit March Leader. Than still green to this outfit, do not want to be known as ‘that guy’. Had the rig and trailer ready to go. Awaiting further instructions to pull into my correct position in our March Unit’s Order 3/7 (tucked in between a Tan M1031 and Camo M1009 towing and M101).

           At 0615 March Unit Leaders are in place than, everyone falls in to they’re assign spot. At 0630 this operation should be completed or well under way to being completed. Than 0645 hits, the National Anthem is sounded (stand tall and salute the Colors).

           Than it happens, 0700 First Gear. It has started the Road March has started. Advance party is already out there heading for our first two morning breaks. And now the Convoy Commander with the HQ March Unit is on the road. Being follow out by each of the other March Units (as a whole group with each HMV mainting a 4 interval between vehicles). We are moving as a Unit.

           We have a Police Escort out of DuPage County by the Sheriffs Depts. SWAT Tactical Vehicle, looks like a small MRAP. But has the bells and whistles, to change lights in or rout to Green. Made moving out of the county very easy.

           Along the way we had kids, parents and adults out there to wish us well on our Journeys. We had Police Escort or Traffic Control through most of the small towns. And people would just come out, look and wave. Those that knew we were coming, they had the Old Glory waving. As we pasted through downtown Joliet, someone asked where we were heading, I simply stated Santa Monica!

           Our first night’s stop is in Pontiac, Illinois. The Mayor of Pontiac came up to meet us at the last morning break stop. Then rode down with March Leader to Pontiac. After we pulled in, parked around the town Square (yes those still exist) around the Courthouse. He came around welcome each of us. Then at the Driver’s Meeting, he welcomed us all collectively.

  • Friday, September 08, 2017 3:58 PM | Deleted user

    Open Streets at Penn Fest

    Sunday, September 17

    12:00 – 4:00pm

    Penn Avenue, Richfield MN

    We have Spot 26 just South of 72nd St and North of 73rd St on the West side of the Penn Ave!

    Open Streets at Penn Fest has grown into a very large and exciting event! We are anticipating

    over 100 attractions including local organizations and businesses.

    Because of the large number of groups participating in our event, we ask that you read the

    following information carefully to ensure a smooth set-up and successful event.

     Penn Avenue will be closed from 11:00am-5:00pm from Crosstown to 76th St.

     This means that you CANNOT drive on Penn Avenue after 11:00am at the major

    intersections to get to your spot! Please use side streets.

     Starting at 11:00am (no earlier!), you may access Penn Avenue from the side

    streets to unload any supplies or equipment and you must have your vehicle off

    of the street by noon. Please use only one vehicle to bring supplies in, this will

    create less congestion.

     Please refer to the map for your group’s assigned number and location. This

    number will be painted on the street the day of the event to indicate where your

    group will set up. The map is small so your location on the street may differ

    slightly the day of the event!

     We use spray chalk to mark assigned numbers on the street. If it is raining or if

    the streets are wet, the chalk may not be very visible. If that’s the case, we ask

    that all groups and businesses try their best to locate themselves according to

    the attached map.

     Please pay special attention to your location this year. We had to move some

    things around to accommodate construction on Penn Avenue.

     After unloading your supplies, park on a side street. There will not be parking

    available in any lots on Penn Avenue. Please be aware of posted No Parking

    signs on certain streets.

     There will be volunteers stationed at some of the intersections to help direct

    people to their locations.

     Be sure to bring all needed supplies. Open Streets at Penn Fest organizers will

    not be able to provide tables, chairs, tents, extension cords, etc.


     If you are setting up a tent, please use weights to hold it down! Even the

    slightest gust of wind can send your tent flying. Please do not drive stakes into

    the pavement or set-up your tent on private property.

     Electricity is not available!

     Please keep your booth and activity to the outermost lane you are assigned to.

    The inner two lanes of Penn will be kept open for pedestrians to walk, bike, etc.

     We understand that some of the sports related activities may need more room.

    Please make sure that when you are doing your sport or activity, that there is

    room for pedestrians to pass through safely.

     Please do not set up your booth or activity so that it blocks resident’s driveways

    or street intersections. Some residents may need to access their driveways

    during the event and our emergency service vehicles need access to all of the


     Stay off of lawns and private property.

     As people pass by, please encourage them to participate with you. This will be a

    great time to showcase your group or business.

     Open Streets at Penn Fest will end at 4:00pm. You may pull your vehicle onto

    Penn Ave. at that time to load up your supplies. Please make sure you take

    everything with you. Please clean up your area before you leave, garbage cans

    will be on the street for you to use

     The street is scheduled to re-open at 5:00pm. You must have everything off of

    the street at that time.

     Open Streets at Penn Fest is a rain or shine event. If it is raining, please use your

    own discretion in participating.

     If severe weather is an issue, please call our weather line at 612-861-9189 and

    choose Special Events for any updates or changes.

     Please share ALL of this information with everyone who may be participating

    with your group so everyone knows where to go and how to get there!

    Thank you for participating in Open Streets at Penn Fest! We appreciate your time

    and commitment and hope that it is a positive experience for your group.

    Any questions, please contact Ann Jindra, Richfield Recreation Supervisor,

    612-861-9361 or

  • Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:19 PM | Deleted user

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    We are approaching Camp Ripley's Biennial Open House on September 17, 2017. On behalf of COL Scott St. Sauver, we would like to invite you to have an informational booth and/or static display at our Open House.

    This year's theme is "Honoring Our Korean Veterans." Our intent is to give recognition to all our Veterans. Interest in this year's event has led us to anticipate an attendance of 3,000 or more people. We hope you can join us for this special occasion.

    Timeline for the events is 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Displayed will be booths, a car show, food vendors and military displays. We will have a ceremony from 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. We respectfully ask that everyone shut down during the ceremony and make their way over to view the event. Following the ceremony, we will start up with the displays again until 2:00 p.m.

    We ask that everyone set-up between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. You may set-up the night before if you would like, with prior coordination.

    Please RSVP no later than September 8, 2017 to reserve a spot for the Open House. Contact Staff Sgt Tim Krouth at 320-616-2714, 320-412-6237cell or

    SSG Tim Krouth
    Camp Ripley Visitors Bureau
    15000 HWY 115, BLDG 11-1
    Little Falls, MN 56345
    320-616-2714 (office)

  • Wednesday, August 16, 2017 3:43 PM | Deleted user

    Date:       2017 August 16

    From:      Lynn McCall

    To:          General Association

    Subject:   2017 Minnesota State Fair

    (Military Appreciation Day – 2017 August 29)

    • 1.  The Red Bull Historic Military Vehicle Association has been Scratched (Cancelled, Removed, Benched, Sideline), from the State Fair this year. This came from the Minnesota National Guard.
    • 2.  I received a PhonCon this afternoon from the Recruiting Department (which pays for the display space at the State Fair). Space was not allowed for, nor did the Recruiting Department know that the Red Bull HMVA was coming to the State Fair this year. When they took charge of the Fair Set Up from the 34th Division (breakdown in communication within the National Guard).
    • a.   Starting this past Spring, I contacted my POC at the National Guard (a MSG). The Sargeant told me that she would be handling the Vendors this year, that a Major would be handling the HMVs.
    • b.  With conservations with the Major, everything appeared to be on track for the Fair.
    • c.   What got me curious was, that I have not been asked to submit paperwork and a copy of our MVPA Insurance (this was triggered by one our associates asking about their MVPA # for the MVPA Insurance).
    • d.  So, I made a Phone Call to my original POC (the MSG) on Monday to ask about any Paperwork we need to get. She had not heard that we even coming at that point. And pass me on to a Staff Sergeant, who running things for Recruiting side of the Fair.
    • e.   So, he unaware of the Red Bull HMVA was coming and we were bringing 13 to 14 HMVs. So, he went up his chain of command to plead our case. But was over ruled by a Colonel!
    • 3.  The up side is that, we will Up Front on the calling list for next year’s Military Appreciation Day at the State Fair.
    • 4.  Sorry for the letdown, but once again, we have been Scratched from the State Fair this year. 
    Thank you to all that stated they would attend this year, hope see you at the Fair next year.
  • Thursday, August 10, 2017 7:28 PM | Deleted user

    2017 August 10

    Subject:   2017 The Great Minnesota Get Together News

                  (aka: Military Appreciation Day – 2017 August 29)

    We have room for 14 Historic Military Vehicles (this is the run down I have thus far):

    Matt Birkeland                       GPW

    Don Gunderson

    Louie Larson                         MB  

    Lynn McCall                          CUCV II

    Gary Nelson                          GPW

    Butch Polzin

    Joe Remley                           M38

    Tim Scobie

    Roy ‘Jake’ Shetka                                 

    Daniel Shultz

    John Varner                          Command Car

    (If you can let me know what Vehicle you will be bringing, that will be a great help, thank you.)

    Muster is at 0600:   At the NW corner Snelling & Energy Parkway in St Paul (Falcon Heights Area [South of Fair Grounds])

    Roll Out at 0630 follow the Convoy into the Fair Grounds (where we will head up to the Expo Place)

    Departure any time after 1530 – 1600

  • Tuesday, August 01, 2017 7:17 PM | Deleted user

    When:      Saturday, September 2, 2017 

    Time: 0900

    Where: Mike Dyer: (612) 840-1194 

    19645 Hills of Claire Ave., Prior Lake, MN 55372 (Convoy Assembles and Departs)

  • Monday, July 31, 2017 2:09 PM | Deleted user

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    We are approaching Camp Ripley's Biennial Open House on September 17, 2017. On behalf of COL Scott St. Sauver, we would like to invite you to have an informational booth and/or static display at our Open House.

    This year's theme is "Honoring Our Korean Veterans." Our intent is to give recognition to all our Veterans. Interest in this year's event has led us to anticipate an attendance of 3,000 or more people. We hope you can join us for this special occasion.

    Timeline for the events is 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Displayed will be booths, a car show, food vendors and military displays. We will have a ceremony from 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. We respectfully ask that everyone shut down during the ceremony and make their way over to view the event. Following the ceremony, we will start up with the displays again until 2:00 p.m.

    We ask that everyone set-up between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. You may set-up the night before if you would like, with prior coordination.

    Please RSVP no later than August 16, 2017 to reserve a spot for the Open House. Contact Staff Sgt Tim Krouth at 320-616-2714, 320-412-6237cell or

  • Saturday, July 29, 2017 6:05 PM | Deleted user

    The Grand Marshall of the Rosemount Leprechaun Day Parade is Brigadier General Jon Jensen 34th Infantry Division Minnesota National Guard. We (The Red Bull HMVA) was asked by 34th to come up with a better ride for the General! So Louie stepped forward with his MB and said 'Can Do'! Apparently the General, the General's Wife and Daughter seem to enjoy the ride. And may use our services again in the future... Thank You Louie.

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