RED BULL Historic Military
Vehicle Association 

Now a word from the Event Coordinator

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  • Monday, October 08, 2018 4:06 PM | Anonymous member

    That's right, troops.

    We're gonna try our first Militaria & MV Parts Swap Meet, a very casual thang. If you have some stuff you'd like to sell, bring it and sell it from your MV or car--what the Brits call a "Trunk Sale." We may have some tables, too, but that's still TBD. And why come to a swap meet and not BUY some stuff? After all, Christmas is coming and your spouse wants something special. And maybe a little greasy.

    We hope to have a live-fire demo of automatic weapons. Ear protection might be a good idea..

    A drive/convoy to places that have nothing to do with military stuff so those who have other interests will have something to do. And those who DO have military interests like other stuff, too, so ity's all gonna be groovy.

    Gary's WWII searchlight will ply the skies, looking for ISIS bombers and freaking out the neighbors, in no particular order.

    Almost a third of our participants are women, so your bride, GF or Aunt Nelly will have someone to hang with other than a guy who needs a shave.

    And you HAVE sent in your RSVP, right, and let us know how many guests you will be bringing, if any?

    And if you're coming to dinner on Saturday, you're gonna gonna bring a yummy dish to share, RIGHT?

    Just checkin'.

  • Tuesday, October 02, 2018 7:37 PM | Anonymous member

    If you’re a Red Bull member, MV collector, military reenactor or just someone who digs this stuff, you & your family are invited to come hang out! You don't have to have an MV to come out and play! Plans are still being made but here is the tentative schedule:

    FRI. OCT. 12
    2:00 PM & later:
    Reenactors/folks with historic military tentage welcome to come and make camp
    6/6:30 PM
    Convoy to dinner nearby, then conversation, adult bevs & war TV/movies on a really nice sheet ‘til lights out

    SAT. OCT.13
    Coffee & rolls provided for breakfast. (But nothin' says "breakfast" like a can of Coke.)
    Your choice: visit the Sweet Shop, Jordan, or MAYBE a live fire demo @ The Horse & Hunt Club (There may be full-auto demos, which is so fun to watch that you’ll get all wiggly) And no, YOU don't get to shoot. You'll put your eye out.
    Lunch on your own (bring a picnic or drive to local grocery or restos for chow).
    1:30-5:30: MV convoy to a Punkin Patch and The Cidery in Jordan
    Chili cookout; please bring a dish to share. REALLY. DON'T FORGET! BYOB: Beer, Soft drinks & H20 provided.
    0’Dark: 30:
    HUGE bonfire, anti-aircraft searchlight (you can never be too careful), BYOB, hang out, chill out, camp out & war movies on that exact same 100% Egyptian Cotton sheet (or better) ‘til lights out.

    Fri. & Sat., Weather permitting:
    drive your MV through Bizal’s woods, trails & back 40

    SUN. OCT.14
    Get-up-ish o’clock:
    Convoy to buy-you-own breakfast with the troops
    Strike camp, tearful good-byes & start planning next year’s Pumpkin Maneuvers!

    In case of rain, Chili Cookout WILL OCCUR. Other events may be cancelled.

    RSVP!!!!!   We need to know how many we’re feeding. If you don’t RSVP and you show up,  you won’t find a plate with yur name on it!

    RSVP  OR @ RED BULL FACEBOOK PAGE with arrival day/time and total people in your party,

    Keep checking in as details may change. Besides, whaddya got to do that's more important than getting ready for THIS?!?!?

  • Monday, August 27, 2018 6:04 PM | Deleted user

    Event Schedule:

    0930 Leave Colvill Park 

    Head to Goodhue (possibly make a short museum visit)

    From there we will head west to Cannon Falls. We will have snack/lunch at the park by the falls. (there are also a few restaurants near by and antique stores) stay at the park for apron 45min.

    From Cannon Falls we will head south to the Cannon Falls Military Museum. Vince has a great display of ww1 items and is a wealth of knowledge. 

    Next we will head back through Cannon and over to Welch, 

    Depending on time we may stop at the Miesville Ravine Park.

    Short stop at Welch, there is an ice cream stop and a bar. 

    From welch we will head over to County road 19 and head back to Red Wing, I am working on getting the group reservations at the Smokin Oak for dinner.

    From dinner convoy back to the park and pack and head home.

    Any questions feel free to ask.

    Please let Dan Dague know by (2018 Aug 29) Wednesday, for reservations at the Smokin Oak!


  • Thursday, June 14, 2018 6:04 PM | Deleted user

    Event: Chanhassen Rotary Club 4thof July Parade

    Date: 2018 July 04

    Time: 1330 (1:30 PM)

    Location: corner of 78th Street and Great Plains Blvd Chanhassen, Minnesota

    Point of Contact: Michael Howe

    Location of Event:        South West Metro

    Style of Event:             Parade        


    The Rotary Club of Chanhassen has sent us a donation, for the Parade they put on in Chanhassen. We have room for a total of 6 HMVs in this parade. I must know who is willing to be involved before mid June (2018 June 20). 

    I know this is short notice, but we need your help. If only one HMV shows up, we can not keep this generous donation, in good faith. So please come out and join us in the Parade in the SW Metro.

    Event Coordinator: Lynn McCall 

    Convoy Commander: Louie Larson

  • Thursday, June 14, 2018 12:11 PM | Deleted user

    Have a couple of events that are looking for vehicles (and volunteers) to display this coming week:

    1) Back-to-The-Fifities-Weekend June 22-24th. Looking to get 1 vehicle to represent each branch of the service and I need a Marine and Air Force Vehicle (1963 or earlier dated)

    We are also looking for people to help man a booth for the event. We will be helping to sell Flags for the Fallen Heroes Foundation.

    2) Vietnam Memorial Wall the Heals, June 22-24th. Looking for a couple of Vietnam era vehicles.

    If you are interested in helping with either of these, please email me at

  • Thursday, June 14, 2018 8:51 AM | Deleted user

    Event: American Legion 100thAnniversary Parade

    Date: 2018 Aug 26

    Time: 1500 (3 PM)

    Location: Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota


    Point of Contact: Bridget Robinson or Reggie Mathis brobinson@legion.orgor

    Location of Event:        Metro

    Style of Event:             Parade        


    We have room for a total of 8 HMVs in this parade. I must know who is willing to be involved before mid July (2018 July 16). I will get you the auto insurance minimums before 2018 July 27th. Let’s make this happen and help show support for the American Legion.

    We will need a Certificate of Insurance (COI) for any vehicle in the parade or static in the MCC naming the following as additional insurers: 

    The American Legion

    The American Legion National Convention Corporation of Minnesota

    American Legion Auxiliary

    All representatives (HMV Drivers) must attend the Parade Meeting on Saturday, August 25, at 2:00PM located in Room 103, Sections E-F, Level One of the Minneapolis Convention Center, 301 2nd Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55403. 

    Event Coordinator: Lynn McCall 

  • Monday, June 04, 2018 3:27 PM | Deleted user

    Just learn from the Minnesota National Guard, does not have room for a Histotic Military Vehicle Display!

    Currently working on, getting information for the Parade (@ 1400) on the same day. Stay tune for details.

  • Thursday, May 17, 2018 4:37 PM | Deleted user

    This is the last email before this year’s BA-DA BA-DA BING BANG Rally.


    I have to get it sent this morning because I most likely will not be able to check my email any later than tonight, as I have to go “live” at the Armory tomorrow night.  More on that later.


    I have had at least one question about the “rain date”.  There is no “rain date”.  I hope it is not like last year, but if it is at least there are some nice displays set-up inside.


    The most recent count is 30 vehicles and 148 tires.  There have been some changes to anticipated attendance.  It looks like I will not have my 150 tires.  If you have a couple of extra tires, please throw them in the back.  Maybe I will have to count the wheel barrow and bring my air compressor from the Shop.


    The “Parade Permit” has been approved – so the Cruise is ready to happen.


    I have received permission to use the large field southwest of the Depot to park transport vehicles.  I hope the ground is not too soft for that purpose.  Please use your best judgment, if you plan on parking there.  Remember not to use the Fareway parking lot to unload your vehicles.  Saturday is a regular business day for them and I don’t want to interfere with their business.  


    The parking lot at the Armory will be roped off and there will be no public parking allowed there.  If you do not need to unload your vehicle (you are just driving it here), please feel free to find somebody and get the rope dropped so you can pull into the parking lot and park.  If you are pulling a trailer – or driving something – ummmmmmm…. “less maneuverable” , it might be a good idea to park on the street until we can figure out where you can park.  Don’t forget there are a few grassy areas that will make good parking spots for the smaller vehicles.  PLEASE USE A GROUND GUIDE, WHEN MOVING YOUR VEHICLES AROUND IN THE PARKING LOT!  An accident would really put a damper on the event.


    You will find the Registration Table inside the Armory this year.  Marie has to watch the displays.  Please register your vehicle even, if it has been here before.  The most difficult part of my job during the Rally is trying to figure out the next day who was here.  Remember you get one door prize entry for each vehicle (including trailers) you bring.  Marie will have your door prize registration slips on hand for those folks that told me they will be here.  The rest of you will have to write you own slip.


    You can pick up your meal ticket(s) at the Registration Table.  I am told pulled pork is on the menu so you don’t want to miss out on that.  The food stand will be in the garage just like last year.


    Marie will also have your Owner/Operator gifts at the registration table.  The door prizes will be on display somewhere.  Sure, the boxes are sealed, but trust me.  They are nice prizes.


    Of course, I will be placing your trophies in your vehicles during the day.  I use my discretion to determine who wins what.  HINT:  Everybody wins the same trophy – and it is a really nice one this year.  I spent an unbelievable 72 cents on them.  That is price per each so you know they are nice!  I had to buy 6 dozen, but I promise I won’t use them again until at least next year.


    John from Kansas will be bringing a truck load (yes, a truck load) of ammunition cans for sale.  He posted a photo on Steel Soldiers.  Don’t forget to take some home.  I don’t know the price, but I expect it will be less than the gun show.  I do know that others will be bringing some parts for sale so keep your eyes open.


    I will move the last of my collection to the Armory tomorrow and then remain there until Saturday night.  If you need to talk to me, just call my cell (712-254-6123).  If you get in town Friday night and want to come down and visit, I will be there.  I will have my van parked in the parking lot prior to the start of the Rally.


    See you soon.

  • Thursday, May 17, 2018 3:58 PM | Deleted user

    We have a GREAT MILITARY APPRECIATION SHOW coming together at the Chanhassen AutoPlex on Memorial Day Weekend (May 26th) -- Saturday Morning from 8AM - 12:Noon.  PUT IT ON YOUR CALANDAR NOW SO YOU DON'T FORGET IT.


                                         PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES ---- Still working on the Trains.

    The show will include Military Vehicles, several Military Organizations, Guest Speakers, and World War II Military Planes flying over laying streams of smoke at 10:AM----------and of course a display of SHOW CARS and MANCAVES.  See the attached PRESS RELEASE for details.

    We'll also have food available for sale so come hungry.

    Our Charity for the show is "Cody's Heroes"; they train dogs for Military Vets that have PTSD.  They will be at the show with a couple of thier dogs----------and of course Happy Tails, the dog Rescue organization, will also be there so leave room in your car to day a puppy or two home.

    There will also be Door Prizes for those that come in with a show car, and Special Door Prizes for people that wear a Military uniform or hat representing the service branch they served in.  

    We hope to see all of you there; bring your family and friends especially dads and grandfather's that served in the armed forces.

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